
We just wanted to tell you that we are writing a book called Wishes. It Will Be The Best Book Of All Time. We posted part of the first chapter and if you leave good comments we might post the second chapter. We started to write this book a couple of months ago, so at this very moment, we are in the middle of the book. This is what it's about:

        A girl named Kate Holler has an amazing power. She can go into people's minds and, once she's in them, she can control that person. Only she doesn't think is amazing. She thinks It's horrifying. Her most hated word is "Normal", because she knows she's nothing like it. She is also very poor, but has a crush on Chad Mainer, the second richest guy in the world. Her enemy is Bridget Sailes who, unlike any body else, smiles when Kate tries  to get in her head. Kate tries to control her powers, but gets distracted along the way. Can she do it..............

 Yeah, Yeah. The ending is kinda suckish. But I couldn't think of anything else to put, so I just put that. Oh Well. If Katherine wants to change it than she can. So,  just don't forget to read the first chapter because it's awesome and you would want to read more. We also just wanted to let you know that our friend Lidiya is the pre-editor of our book.

WARNING: This book, including the first chapter, contains some bad words. If for any reason (which would be weird if you did have a reason because you're on this site and it's called craptastic.synthasite.com) you aren't allowed or can't stand bad words, don't read it. (Unless you really, really want to, which I'm guessing most of you do. :})

Ok here's the first chapter:


                                                   By Katherine & Milla

Chapter: 1 

  I felt like I was going to puke already. I drank about six bottles of wine as I was watching TV. I almost fell off the couch until I heard my mom. 

   "Kate!" she shouted. 

   Shit. What now. It can't get any worse. I got off of the floor like a sick person and headed to the kitchen. 

  As I got there almost falling, my mom, Heidi, was sitting on one of the chairs. Apparently my dad, John, used to always sit there, but he had moved to North Carolina. He was a really nice guy, helping us out even though my parents are divorced. My mom started sitting there after he had left, even though they never really got along. As I entered the kitchen, I glanced up at the clock to see what time it is. 12:23 a.m. I  got closer to my mom and sat next to her. Of course she backed away a little. Everybody does that. It's like I stink or am a criminal or something. I can't tell anybody why, but think...well I know there is something wrong with me. Mostly because whenever I am close to someone they feel like they have to back away a little, and not only that, but whenever I concentrate on them it's like I get sucked into their mind, and most of the time I can't get out. The worst part is that I freeze and can only see the images they see....................

thats all im (milla) putting so far. thats not the whole chapter though, I just can't type it all in one day.

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                 Katherine & Milla